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Pete Sammes


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About me..

Pete SammesHello, I'm Pete.

I was born in the UK in the mid 70s and moved to the USA for 7 of my childhood years.  Moved back to the UK when I was 11 and carried on through to university and to eventually become an IT Manager at a company.  Completed a combined studies degree at university which included Art & Design as the complementary - this gave me a good introduction to art history and to see how the arts have developed over the years.

Always had a real passion for painting and love working in acrylic & gouache due to their huge flexibility.  Loads easier to blend the perfect tones and dries so efficiently - once varnished, paintings always look so good in these mediums as well.

Had a massive motorbike accident back in 2004.  This put me in a coma & hospital for some time and has taken a huge amount of time to rebuild things after the event.   Following the accident, I setup a website to give other people who've had accidents like this the ability to be able to get together and chat about their problems/questions with other like minded people.  It is still "live" and you can see it from clicking this icon if you are interested:

Since then, I have been attempting to rebuild career(s) and have discovered that my life has needed to be altered from my previous paths and become more concentrated into areas that I find so much more satisfying, enjoyable and rewarding.    You guessed it - I used to paint  just for fun and to unwind of an evening after a hard day's work, but now I tuck into it most of the time and really enjoy building my pieces.

I thought I would set this current website up so that people can easily get in contact with me if they are interested in me developing any personalised painting projects specifically for them.  I enjoy tackling all subjects and although I sometimes have doubts in my abilities with brand new ventures, I find that if I keep working at it until "I'm happy", people seem to like the end results as well.